A dataset containing coding mutations from COSMIC for genome assembly hg38 Since the COSMIC dataset is very large and it requires registration we are bundleing in the package a very small version, just enough to demo the package vignette and test suite. Please refer on the documentation vignette/HOWTO_Import_external_data.html on how to retrieve and use COSMIC data with TMBleR.
A data frame with 4668373 rows and 6 variables
chromosome name, in UCSC format chrN
start genomic coordinate, UCSC format
start genomic coordinate, UCSC format
reference nucleotide
alternative nucleotide
From CosmicCodingMuts.vcf file for hg38 downloaded from and saved in data-raw as CosmicCodingMuts_hg38.vcf . The dataset was then subset through random stratified sampling to max 10.000 snv per chromosome.
data("COSMIC_hg38_demo") will load the demo dataset as a "COSMIC_hg38 object in the global env